Colegrave Primary

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Art and Design

Our art co-ordinator is Miss Mohammed.

What is our aim and vision? (Intent)

At Colegrave Primary School, we believe that Art provokes creativity, sets challenges and not only engages, yet inspires children to effectively express themselves physically, socially and emotionally. Art lessons at Colegrave develop a child’s procedural understanding as we equip children of all ages, from Reception through to Year 6, with knowledge and skills to investigate experiment and invent thus being able to create their own works of art, craft and design. 

As set out in the National Curriculum, our Art curriculum covers a range of rich skills, including drawing, painting, printing, collage making, digital art and evaluating, allowing children to progressively develop their skill set throughout their years at Colegrave.

It is paramount that each topic outcome be purposeful whether through expression or emulating the style of other artists that inspire our own work. Our overview ensures that children are exposed to a variety of artists which gives them an opportunity to immerse themselves into a range of techniques used in an art piece as well as providing them with subject specific vocabulary. 

We encourage children to take risks through their art journeys and continually reflect upon their outcome, regardless of how successful, identifying how they could improve in future. The skills children acquire through each topic are reflected upon, in greater depth, through either a written or verbal, age related, self – evaluation empowering children to be aware of their existing skill sets. 

How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)

At Colegrave, the teaching and implementation of the Art Curriculum is based on the National Curriculum and is linked to topics to ensure a well-structured, cohesive approach to the subject. 

  • Three units a year linked to  the topic
  • Child led through creative self - exploration 
  • Trips and visits to galleries / experts who will enhance the learning experience 
  • Updated displays around the school (including classrooms) to showcase and celebrate the work of pupils
  • After school art club run by teachers 

We enjoy celebrating such a creative subject through Arts week, where each Year group is given the opportunity to collaboratively work towards an outcome by exploring and taking inspiration from existing artists styles and techniques, to produce their own work, and this is then displayed at the ‘Art Matters’ exhibition, held at the University of East London. 

What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)

We believe that maintaining high expectations in Art is essential for pupil self - development. Our Art curriculum is high quality, well thought out and is planned to demonstrate progression. Not only does our curriculum equip children with skills and techniques but it provides them with an opportunity to expressively build upon their individual canvas. At Colegrave we celebrate our art through displays, borough exhibitions and exit points.