Our computing co-ordinator is Mr Nott.
What is our aim and vision? (Intent)
Our intention is to enable children to have a rich learning experience of all aspects of computing. We intend to build a computing curriculum that develops pupil’s learning and results in the understanding of the world. Pupils will have the understanding of digital literacy, information technology and computer science. The intent of our curriculum is that computing is taught within other subjects so that it enhances learning and develops their own knowledge within the areas. When leaving Colegrave, pupils will have built an understanding of how to live safely in an increasingly digital world and pupils are able to tackle problems with a logical mind.
How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)
- Pupils have access to a wide range of hardware and software
- Teaching and learning facilitates progressions across all key stages within digital literacy, information technology and computer science.
- Regular training to support all staff’s understanding
- Subject leader who team teaches and plans with year groups
- Wider curriculum links and opportunities for using computing within other subjects
- Online safety is highlighted in every lesson with Online Safety day being celebrated every year.
- Parents are kept informed with issues relating to online safety through messaging and coffee mornings.
- Through exit points, pupils get to explore other year groups to experience others creations.
- Pupils are encouraged to explore, tinker, take risks and evaluate.
- Competitions and visits based on computing to encourage learning.
- After school clubs that use ICT and apply skills of computer science.
- Applications allowing pupils to continue learning away from school.
What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)
We aim to ensure that all children from EYFS to Year 6 have a variety of opportunities to develop their understanding in all areas of computing: digital literacy, ICT and computer science. This will enable all our pupils to be confident users of ICT both at school and at home.
Our curriculum enables pupils to build on knowledge from one year to the other and pupils are able to apply the British values of democracy, tolerance, mutual respect, rule of law and liberty when using digital systems.
Through regular workshops and lessons our parents/carers are given the tools to ensure they have an understanding on how to support their children and are able to keep their children safe online.
Our staff are confident when delivering the curriculum, enabling all pupils to make the required progress and more.