Colegrave Primary

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Home Reading

Every Monday, each child across the school will be read to and have the opportunity to swap their reading books. Key Stage 1 children will bring home a colour banded book which matches their reading ability and also a free choice book. KS2 children will be read to every week 1:1 with their teacher and swap their book when they have finished their text. These books are very important to your child’s reading development.

It is vital that children read at home for at least 10 minutes each day. This should be an activity you can do as a family and enjoy together. Record any comments in your child’s reading record book at least once a week. These comments should be about how your child has read the book. It may be linked to their decoding e.g Sam was able to read the tricky word ‘said’. Alternatively, it may be about their understanding of the chapter e.g Sam was able to summarise the key events. Please see the attachments which offer parents and carers key questions you can ask your child.

Below are the reading records your child will bring home and you will write in each week:


When a child moves up a colour coded band because they are confident in their decoding and understanding, they will receive a certificate and we will celebrate this achievement in assemblies and with yourselves.

Please ensure your child brings in their book and reading record every day.

Read and Spell

In addition to our new home reading programme, we will be introducing our new 'read and spell' words. Within the Primary Curriculum, the DfE expect children to know and be able to spell this statutory list by the end of the academic year.  Each week your child will be sent home a set of 4/5 words to learn. There are 12 sets altogether.

Throughout the year, your child will be sent each set 3 times:

1. The first time they receive the words they need to learn to read them by sight

2. The second time they receive the words they need to learn to spell the words

3. The third time they receive the words they should practise putting each word into a sentence

Your child's teacher will test your child on the words each week. Please ensure you practice these words at home too.

Reading Lists

We are often asked to recommend books that are popular with children and have good literary content. Below you will find books listed by year group, although they can of course be enjoyed by all ages, including adults! Some of these books are available to borrow from the class book corners, however your local library will also stock many of these titles too.