Our Curriculum
What is our aim and vision? (Intent)
At Colegrave Primary School we believe that a broad, balanced, ambitious and memorable curriculum is key in instilling a lifelong love of learning. Our curriculum is inclusive and regularly reviewed, to ensure that it is relevant and reflective of our pupils and the wider community.
Children start at Colegrave, in Reception, significantly below age related expectation. We have a transient school population, as well as a high number of multilingual learners and speech and language needs. A priority for us, is to ensure we teach our children to clearly articulate their ideas and engage with others, through spoken language.
We have a clear vision of what a Colegrave child will look like by the end of Year 6. Subject specific knowledge and skills are clearly outlined, in an age-appropriate, progressive way and developing effective communication is prioritised throughout learning. We plan opportunities to revisit and build upon concepts, so that our children secure skills and develop their long-term memory.
Children at Colegrave have a strong foundation of Maths and English skills and through subjects such as the Arts, Science and PE, we support children to develop a healthy mind and body and nurture their desire for creativity and innovation.
Teaching and learning at Colegrave fosters a culture of high performance, confidence and talent, but a sense of humanity and social purpose is at the heart of what we do. As a Rights Respecting Gold school, we are passionate that children have a clear sense of who they are and how they can positively contribute to society and the world around them. We are committed to promoting wellbeing for all and instilling an understanding and deep respect for the beliefs, cultures, needs and differences of others.
How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)
Through quality teaching of knowledge, skills and vocabulary, our children are taught to be inquisitive, compassionate, courageous and creative learners. School leaders ensure children have access to high quality resources and inclusive texts, which are meaningful and enable all children to learn.
English and Maths are taught daily and schemes such as Read Write Inc and White Rose Maths support staff to ensure lessons are carefully planned and sequenced, with clear progression and end points. We also dedicate time each week, to explicitly teach oracy skills, which are then developed within lessons, across the curriculum.
Creative themes guide our foundation subjects, however we have adopted a subject specific approach, so that children are taught the disciplinary and substantive knowledge required for each subject. Where sensible to do so, careful cross-curricular links optimise this understanding, allowing knowledge and skills to become deeply embedded.
Subject and Year Group Leaders ensure real life experiences and educational visits are carefully planned, to enrich and further learning and to build cultural capital. This is essential to help our children become inquisitive learners, with a thirst to further their knowledge and exploration of the world and build their long-term memory.
Through weekly behaviour reflection sessions, children are given the opportunity to reflect on and improve their behaviour, as well as being taught positive behaviours for learning. Assemblies and PSHCE lessons ensure Rights Respecting themes and British Values and are at the forefront of school life.
What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)
By setting the highest of expectations, we strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential and leave Colegrave as respectful, well-rounded individuals, who are fully prepared for their next stage of education and ready to contribute positively to society as a whole.
Our children make excellent academic progress from Reception to Year 6 and by the end of Key Stage 2, we consistently achieve above national results.