Design and Technology
Our design and technology co-ordinator is Miss Davies.
What is our aim and vision? (Intent)
Our Design and Technology curriculum aims to inspire children to be creative and innovative designers, both as individuals and members of teams. We want our pupils to be able to solve real and relevant problems within a variety of contexts; considering their own and others’ needs, wants and values. Our curriculum allows pupils to be exposed to a broad range of practical experiences to create their designs and encourages independence and ownership of designs through the use of a design criteria. It also develops our pupils’ ability to be critical and analytical thinkers, learning how to improve and make their own work better.
How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)
- D&T is taught three times a year and is carried out in ‘block sessions’, allowing for more effective learning in which teachers can focus on DT skills
- Design and Technology is taught across the school using the iterative design process of research, design, make and evaluate.
- Units are embedded within topics to help ensure that the purpose of each product is purposeful and relevant to pupils learning.
- D&T is linked closely with science and computing
- Each unit begins with a design brief to help children self-evaluate the success of their final product.
- Final outcomes are often used as products that are sold or shared amongst other year groups.
- Regular staff training is carried out to ensure all staff are confident D&T teachers
What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)
Our curriculum ensures that our pupils are clear on the purpose and audience of their products. They are willing to take risks and be creative during their design process. We have worked hard to ensure that units are pupil led and have a clear journey. Through high quality teaching pupils are given the opportunity to build on their technical and practical expertise, resulting in quality outcomes. These outcomes are displayed across the school or are sold at various school events.