Colegrave Primary

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MFL - French

Our Modern Foreign Languages co-ordinator is Miss Booth.

What is our aim and vision? (Intent)

At Colegrave Primary School, the intention of our MFL curriculum is to develop an interest and thirst for learning other languages. We aim for our pupils to understand what it is to become global citizens, by being able to communicate in a different language, as well as respect and appreciate the similarities and differences between the French language/culture and our own. 

We introduce the learning of the French language in EYFS and KS1 discretely before progressing to more formal French lessons in KS2. We hope to equip our pupils with confidence and fluency as they transition to secondary school by ensuring gradual progression in our linguistic skills in terms of listening, grammar, phonics, speaking and writing. 

UNICEF Article 29: Education must develop every child’s personality, talents and abilities to the full. It must encourage the child’s respect for human rights, as well as respect for their parents, their own and other cultures and the environment.

How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)

Our MFL curriculum has been designed to progressively develop skills in French. We are currently using the Rising Stars programme alongside other platforms to deliver our French lessons. Knowledge organisers are referred to during lessons to support vocabulary recall and promote independent learning strategies. These enable non-specialist French teachers and pupils to access the teaching and learning in a fun and engaging way. 

Some of the topics and themes covered in French lessons from Years 3-6 include: Greetings, numbers, family members, pets, animals, months, birthdays, colours, hobbies, sports, school, body parts, animals, food, weather, toys, travelling, musical instruments, time, describing others, things in our town and many more. The long term plan sets out that Stage 1 of Rising Stars will be taught in Year 3 and so on. However, teachers will respond to the needs of the cohort and ensure gaps are filled before moving on their learning.

EYFS/KS1 children are introduced to MFL through exploring other languages when saying hello or goodbye and through songs and stories. As a means of developing confidence and an interest in learning another language, all year groups practise common vocabulary through songs and games in order to ensure consistency and fluency in French across the school. 

In order to develop fluency, recall and our oracy skills in French, pupils practise general conversational skills at the beginning of each French lesson during Soft Start. Pupils are also taught common verbs and nouns linked to a topic, and apply these with increasing complexity of simple grammatical concepts and sentence structures. Plenty of opportunities to speak, listen, read and write in French are provided to support children with retention. 

At Colegrave, we are assessing pupils through their recall of vocabulary, fluency, pronunciation, oracy / conversational skills, role play, written outcomes in books as well as their confidence and love for learning another language. Alongside end of term/year quizzes, Years 3 to 6 also self-assess at the end of each unit with regards to vocabulary, pronunciations, grammar and phonics specific to the French language. Teachers do live marking to check pupils’ understanding and give verbal feedback where necessary. French Ambassadors will be selected from each class in KS2 who demonstrate fluency, correct pronunciation and good retention of words and phrases in their spoken and written outcomes.

What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)

French is becoming part of everyday life at Colegrave for our KS2 pupils.  Classes are being introduced to vocabulary through songs and games.

Pupils continue to enjoy our new programme Rising Stars as well as other key sites such as Busy Things, Linguascope and Duolingo.  Through these other sites pupils can revisit vocabulary they have learnt in school and of course extend their learning further.   

We will be re-launching our Language Ambassadors club at Colegrave, which will aim to promote French as well the many other languages that are spoken by our Communities here at Colegrave.