Colegrave Primary

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Our geography co-ordinator is Miss Beech.

What is our aim and vision? (Intent)

Colegrave’s geography curriculum aims to give children an understanding of the world they live in, and their place in it. Its intention is to spark and foster the children’s interest and curiosity in the world and its people. Our curriculum will deepen understanding of the world’s physical and human forms and processes. Our children will have a good understanding of place and space through learning about the people and places around the world, their similarities and differences, and how they are connected. They will also have a secure understanding of our school, of Stratford and East London. Through our teaching, we encourage questioning, and develop the children’s geographical and research skills to answer their own questions.

How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)

Geography is taught through a cross-curricular curriculum, where the geography is embedded into an overarching theme that is taught across a half-term. Geography objectives are carefully chosen to fit into the theme of each year group’s topic. Teachers then use the progressive skills documents to ensure both the required skills and knowledge are taught every year. In each year group, children have opportunities to explore outside the classroom in the wider community. They are able to apply their geographical skills on fieldwork trips and contextualise what they have learnt.

What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)

We have high expectations across the key stages for geography, and by the end of year 6, children will confidently use maps, identify human and physical features, and use geographical skills to observe, measure, record and present findings in a variety of ways. Evidence of work will show a range of geographical topics taught within meaningful contexts. Progress will be monitored through book scrutiny against the yearly overview and progression of skills and reported back to governors and SLT.