Our history co-ordinator is Mr Owen.
What is our aim and vision? (Intent)
Our History curriculum is designed to instill all children with a love of History. We aim to deliver high quality History lessons which inspire all children to want to know more about the past. We aim to fulfil the requirements of the National Curriculum for History by providing a broad, balanced and differentiated curriculum that ensures that the progressive development of historical concepts, knowledge and skills are taught in engaging lessons. Children are given the opportunities to gain these skills and knowledge not just through experiences in the classroom, but also with the use of workshops and educational visits.
How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)
At Colegrave, History is taught in blocks through the year, so that children achieve depth in their learning. By the end of year 6, children will have a chronological understanding of British History from the stone age to the present day. To maintain the high standards of teaching and learning in History, we follow a progressive skills document which clearly outlines to teachers the skills appropriate to their year group and ensures that these skills are taught progressively throughout the school. Our children develop their enquiry skills through the use of artefacts and other historical sources and well thought out lines of enquiry are planned into each unit. Children are encouraged to devise their own historically valid questions and to critique the validity of the sources they come across.
What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)
We strive for all pupils to achieve their maximum potential, by having high expectations and standards in all History lessons. We measure the impact of History lessons through book scrutiny, learning walks and pupil voice surveys. Children are given the opportunity to share their History learning with parents through exciting exit points. By the end of KS2, our children are independent historians who can use a wide range of primary and secondary sources to create a historically accurate narrative of the past.