Colegrave Primary

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Acorn Update

We had a very exciting spring term.  Our main text was 'Last Tree in the City'. We thoroughly enjoyed this book and all the creative opportunities it presented us with.  We even created and illustrated our own stories 'Last Tree in School'  and wrote poems about our love of trees. Our linked Sensory Story was 'Lost in London' and this helped us to learn a lot about our capital city.  We love this book and its story props.

'Last Tree in the City',  helped us to learn about deforestation and the children made their own anti-deforestation posters.  We also leaned that it is important to recycle and to avoid wasting paper-to save our trees because 'Trees are our life! No trees, no air to breathe!'  

We were so inspired by the alternative planters we saw in the book that we designed our own.  We even made our own bowls from recycled paper!  We will upload these later. In art we learned about Mondrian and our trees in art were inspired by him

As if that wasn't thrilling enough, we experienced a wonderful science day where we took part in a wonderful 'bubbletastic' extravaganza leading us into learning the recipe for making our own bubble mixture which worked! 

Our Disney Day allowed us to explore making slime which was simply fantastic, extraordinary, sticky, stretchy fun!  As Oliver Wendell Holmes said " Man's mind, once stretched by a new idea, never regains its original dimensions!"