Colegrave Primary

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Le Projet Français


As part of our French Project over the Summer half term break, Years 3 to 6 were set a home learning project about All Things French. The children's task was to create an Art/DT project about French music, artwork, cuisine, landmarks, parts of a town/city/house, French clothing, traditional festivals, famous French people or anything that they learnt this year! 

All children were excited to present their work and were eager to find out who had the winning projects in our Friday achievement assembly. Mrs Hafiz selected one amazing outcome per year group. These were:

Year 3 winner - Hristiyan in 3B created a replica of the Arc de Triomphe with lolly sticks, with the French flag on the top.

Year 4 winner - Jessica in 4A collated images of famous landmarks on an outline of France coloured in the French flag. 

Year 5 winner - Rayyan in 5C created a poster to demonstrate how he made a large cookie shaped as an Eiffel Tower and even wrote the recipe all in French as well as other facts about France and a mini 3D model of the Eiffel Tower. 

Year 6 winner - Ayaah in 6S created a very delicate, yet stunning 3D model of the Louvre Museum using wooden sticks. 

The children were very pleased to receive special prizes which included a French themed notebook, puzzle, skipping rope, bookmark, an Eiffel Tower key ring and a French badge.

Well done to everyone who got involved and submitted a project!