Myself, Others and Animals
Our Autumn term topic was ‘Myself, Others and Animals’.
In thinking about ‘Others’, we walked 5 laps every day even in the rain and raised £404.52 for the charity Sightsavers!
We are so proud of Luqman who shared his passion to help this charity and would like to say a BIG ‘Thank You!’ to the parents and staff who sponsored our children and also contibuted to our ‘donation buckets’.
In thinking about ‘Myself’, we made our self-portraits copying a style inspired by the artist Paul Klee.
We also learned many things about our bodies, such as the parts of our bodies that help us to move.
In thinking about animals, we looked at animals that use their colours to attract and animals that use their colours to camouflage.
Some of us are becoming fantastic at spelling!
Finally, we learned a lot about instructions while making gingerbread men and even created our own recipes.