Colegrave Primary

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Online Safety: What Parents and Carers Need to Know about Live Streaming (29.9.23)

Welcome to our weekly online safety bulletin! Each week of the school term, we will provide useful tips, facts and guides on how to stay safe online. 

This week's theme is: Live Streaming

Like a lot of digital services, live streaming really found its niche during the pandemic – think of Joe Wicks’ at-home fitness classes, Billie Eilish’s virtual gigs and Miley Cyrus’ chat show, for example. Real-time broadcasting of video content over the internet isn’t solely the province of celebrities, however: anyone with a device and something to say (or show) can take part. 

With platforms such as YouTube, Facebook, TikTok and Twitch all offering routes to a vast online audience, young people have enthusiastically taken up the baton – streaming on subjects from gaming to sports to live shopping (yes, really!). Potentially having strangers among one’s viewers, though, is just one of many concerns. This guide has the key information.

31 live streaming.pdf

Useful links:

Internet Matters - This website has lots of practical advice and information, including detailed guides on how to set up parental controls on a range of devices. 

Childnet - Help, advice and resources for parents and carers 

Parent Zone - Digital advice, activities and ideas for parents and families

NSPCC - Online Safety advice, guides and news. 


Visit our Online Safety page for more information.

Missed an update? Head over to our Online Safety Tip of the Week archive.