Colegrave Primary

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Safer Internet Day (Part 1)

On Tuesday the 8th February, our whole school took part in Safer Internet Day and enjoyed discussions and activities based around the theme of respect and relationships online.

In this post, we will take a look at some of the activities our Acorn and Rainbow room children took part in:

Acorn Room

We used visual resources and response cards to discuss a range of questions relating to how we use the internet and how we stay safe.

Do you have any of these devices in your home?

Do you recognise any of these games/apps?

What are the things that you do on these devices that make you feel happy, relaxed or excited?

We also used response cards to demonstrate good choices when accessing videos and games on our devices:

Rainbow Room

The Rainbow Room enjoyed listening to the story of Digiduck and the Magic Castle, and used devices safely with trusted adults to engage in learning online.