Colegrave Primary

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Safer Internet Day (Part 2)

Our EYFS and Key Stage 1 classes loved getting involved in this year's Safer Internet Day activities.  All classes began by reading the story Digiduck and the Magic Castle which can be found here. The children enjoyed the story and used it as the jumping off point for important discussions about how they make sure that they stay safe online. Each class then took part in different activities based on the theme of respect and healthy relationships online.


The reception children demonstrated excellent understanding as they recorded helpful videos with important advice on how to stay safe while using the internet.


Year 1

For Safer Internet Day, Year 1 discussed some of the benefits as well as risks when going online. We then identified people who we could trust and talk to if we felt unsafe online. 

Year 2

Year 2 role-played scenarios in relation to online safety and shared their initial feelings towards each situation. They then had class discussions and role-played the best way to deal with each scenario. The children rehearsed speaking respectfully and ended the session by sorting out some dos and don’ts when using the internet.