Colegrave Primary

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Our P.E. co-ordinator is Mr Alexander.

What is our aim and vision? (Intent)

At Colegrave Primary School we aim to provide a broad and engaging P.E curriculum which is accessible and challenging for all learners. Pupils appreciate the physical and mental health benefits of regular physical activity, especially since the Pandemic and lockdowns. We aim to ensure children take advantage of the opportunities presented to them to be active before, during and after school, and understand how these activities will help them lead happy and healthy lives. Physical literacy is developed over the course of a child’s entire primary school experience so as to allow learners to deepen their understanding and progress at a pace which is suitable to them whilst maintaining high expectations and aspirational targets intended to challenge all learners to achieve the best that they are capable of. The curriculum is designed and adapted to suit the needs of each class and lessons are differentiated to allow all learners to feel success as well as challenge. Competition is encouraged and achievements recognised and celebrated in order to promote and raise the profile of P.E across the school as well as through the delivery of purposeful P.E lessons and an active mentality. We are committed to promoting children’s well being as well as improving key social skills such as teamwork, leadership and self-reflection; aiming to impart these lessons in a way so that they are both long-lasting and meaningful.

How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)

PE is held to a high standard through the implementation of key principles. High quality teaching and delivery; staff make use of Complete PE resources so as to cater to the needs of every learner and ensure that they can all thrive. A wide and varied curriculum which has been planned to best suit our staff and learners; children have multiple opportunities to learn and develop both sport specific skills, such as dribbling in football or forehand in tennis, as well as multi-discipline skills such as team play, invasion and tactical knowledge. This is reinforced at key points throughout the curriculum and terminology is specific and repeated so as to support both working and long term memory and ensure that learning is underpinned by relevant key terminology. Specific competitive values; lifelong and out-of-school benefits are used to contextualise the skills and habits encouraged by PE as well as key values being reinforced through a whole school ethos. Growth mindset is at the heart of all personal and academic discussions relating to our learners. Children are encouraged to appreciate the process and improvements rather than being outcome-focussed. This is understood by learners and allows them to make healthier choices in their lifestyle; both for themselves and for others through the use of medals and certificates to encourage healthy competition and a team mindset amongst pupils.

What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)

All children are excited and enthusiastic about P.E and physical activity. There are high expectations and standards for teaching and progress both within lessons and across units of work. All learners are engaged and enjoy PE lessons and understand the lifelong impact that a healthy and active lifestyle has. Children are motivated to attend and compete at Borough-wide competitions.