Our PSHE co-ordinator is Miss Akyuz.
What is our aim and vision? (Intent)
Personal, social, health and economic (PSHE) education operates as a spiral curriculum so that knowledge and skills build progressively throughout the year and throughout a child’s journey at Colegrave. Knowledge and skills are mapped in an age-appropriate way; however, the progression of skills curriculum acknowledges that a child’s emotional development may not follow a linear path and gaps in emotional learning may need to be addressed. PSHE supports many of the principles of keeping our children safe and links closely to the schools Safeguarding, SMSC and British Values Policies.
This allows teachers to take a tailored approach to the needs of their class and to individual children within the class. Thrive assessments support teachers in identifying gaps. All lessons within PSHE are linked to real experiences that children encounter, or are likely to encounter within the near future. Our Children will be encouraged to celebrate our diverse community, they will understand how to keep themselves safe both on and offline and they will understand the value of choices
Our curriculum will prepare children to be global citizens in a diverse society and prepare them for opportunities, responsibilities and experiences in the future. We are aware that the delivered curriculum must reflect the needs of our pupils and have a flexible approach to our curriculum to meet the needs of Colegrave Primary School and our local area.
We want to inspire our children to be healthy both physically and mentally and give children the knowledge needed to maintain this in the wider world.
How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)
A range of learning experiences are offered within PSHE and the nature of the subject demands a practical, reflective approach. The focus on communication skills, empathy and self-reflection develops skills that allow children to engage fully with the rich range of learning experiences offered across the curriculum. In EYFS the core knowledge and skills of PSHE are delivered through the early learning goals of Personal, Social and Emotional Development. PSHE is taught as a block unit each term using the Jigsaw mindful approach, which has a strong focus on children’s well-being and developing their emotional intelligence and life skills. These skills are further consolidated through weekly assemblies and behaviour reflection sessions.There are occasions where teachers may feel it appropriate to teach PSHE as a result of an issue arising in their own class, what children may be experiencing at home or in their community – our curriculum is specifically tailored to meet the needs of Colegrave children, therefore our content can be flexible and responsive to need. Displays around the school communal areas and classrooms are reflective of the PSHE curriculum and aim to promote key messages such as healthy eating, anti-bullying and e-safety.
What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)
At Colegrave we have high expectations of behaviour and approach to learning throughout the school. PSHE develops the tools needed to achieve this from resilience to understanding and managing feelings and emotions and remaining emotionally and physically safe within the child’s broader environment. By teaching pupils to stay safe the children will understand how to conduct themselves in school, online and in the wider community. They will understand how to keep themselves safe and know who to turn to if they feel they are in danger. Our PSHE programme can tackle barriers to learning, raise aspirations, and improve the life chances of the most vulnerable and disadvantaged pupils.
Our children are encouraged to develop their sense of self-worth by playing a positive role in contributing to school life and the wider community, as reflected in our school council representatives. Children will understand the importance of teamwork and know how to resolve conflicts, which include bullying. The aforementioned is implemented as a whole-school approach and supports Colegrave Primary School so that when children leave Year 6, they are confident and successful, have an increased capacity to learn and are prepared for the challenges of the modern world.