Rainbow Room
Welcome to Rainbow Room!
Our specialist PMLD teacher is Miss Hoch-Zielonka.
Look below for some of the things you will be learning about and doing this term:
Rainbow Blog
Here, we will be posting examples of some of the exciting learning that has taken place in Rainbow Room. Look below to see more and keep an eye on this page for more throughout the year!
Monday 30 January 2023 Autumn 2 in the Rainbow Room The theme for PMLD children for the Autumn II term was ‘Ship Shape’. Our learning in November started from the ‘Pirates Next Door’ and ‘Ahoy there me Hearties’ sensory stories and we learned about equality, acceptance and friendship. For sensory Maths, the children had an opportunity to explore ‘heavy’ and ‘light’. During our sensory Science time, the children learned about magnets and their properties. We used different metal objects like toasters, spoons, paper clips and many more to investigate and have an experience. It was very interesting to observe the children's reactions and interactions.
Monday 31 October 2022 Autumn 1 in Rainbow Room During the first half of the autumn term the children from Rainbow class had a fantastic experience with Japanese artist - Yayoi Kusama. We explored: Obsession of polka dots, mirrors and ‘infinity’, Space and self within it and self and objects marked by dots in space.