Colegrave Primary

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Religious Education

Our R.E. co-ordinator is Miss Kani.

What is our aim and vision? (Intent)

At Colegrave Primary school we believe that it is important for all our pupils to learn from and about religion, so that they can understand the world around them. We want our pupils to understand, respect and celebrate different identities of our school and the local community.

Through RE we want our children to recognise that personal development is a significant part in their ability to learn and achieve. We also want our pupils to have high standards of personal behaviour, have a positive attitude towards others, understand their social and cultural traditions and to have an appreciation of the diversity of other cultures. 

Our curriculum is designed to encourage creativity, imagination, enquiry, debate, discussion and independence.

How are we teaching and assessing? (Implementation)

At Colegrave we follow the Newham Agreed Syllabus – therefore the curriculum is well planned and meets the requirements of the syllabus. Children develop their skills starting from knowledge and recall (KS1) to application, analysis and justified analysis. This allows children to reflect on ‘big questions’. RE is celebrated across the school through special assemblies, guest speakers and visits to different places of worship. At Colegrave we value out-of-class learning experiences and ensure each year group has the opportunity to go on a visit. This gives the children the opportunity to ask questions, speak with different religious leaders and members of the community. 

What are the outcomes and achievements? (Impact)

Colegrave children are encouraged to be confident in being able to safely express their views and opinions. Pupils are encouraged to have confidence in their growing sense of identity and are able to make links between their own lives and those of others in their community and in the wider world, developing an understanding of other people's cultures and ways of life.