SEND School Offer
Our SENDCo & Inclusion Manager is Rasheeda Lisak-Khan.
At Colegrave, pupils are engaged in lessons that are stimulating and given targets that are challenging, but achievable. We provide high quality support through ‘Quality First Teaching’; activities are adapted to meet the needs of individual pupils.
Teaching and learning is monitored through the observations of activities and lessons. Teaching staff are supported by a planned programme of continuing professional development, which includes in-school and external training and support from a team of assistant head teachers.
Pupil progress is monitored regularly through half termly assessments and, shortly after, the progress of individuals is discussed at pupil progress meetings. This early identification of pupils not making satisfactory progress enables next steps to be considered and pupils will receive targeted catch up provision if appropriate. If by the next Progress Meeting the pupil has not made sufficient progress, the Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Coordinator (SENDCo) will arrange a meeting with parents/carers and the class teacher to share concerns and obtain further background information. During this meeting, actions are decided and, with the permission of parents/carers, referrals to outside agencies may be made. These outside agencies work closely with the school and/or parents/carers to provide strategies to support the learning of the pupil.
In some cases a Support Plan will be written by the SENDCo in the presence of the parents/carers, class teacher and pupil, providing focused learning targets and details of support and resources required. A copy of this is provided for parents/carers to support their child’s learning at home. These plans are reviewed twice yearly and parents/carers are invited to discuss their child’s progress and achievements.
Parents/carers may raise concerns about their child through discussions with the class teacher, Family Support Worker and/or the SENDCo.
For the Newham local offer, click here.
How is the curriculum matched to the pupil's needs?
All teachers have high expectations for all our learners and aim to provide every child at every available opportunity with access to a broad and balanced curriculum that is also meaningful to their developmental stage. Medium term planning of the curriculum is adjusted to engage and motivate the particular pupils in a cohort. Individual lesson plans are adapted to match the needs and abilities of the pupils; in English and Mathematics pupils are grouped according to their level of attainment where appropriate in some phases. For some pupils a more personalised and adapted curriculum is in place, in line with their Support plan targets; these will be assessed by the class teacher and reviewed in the twice yearly Support plan meetings where staff adopt the graduated approach of Assess, Plan, Do and Review. The aim is primarily to facilitate a pupil's growing independence, confidence and resilience in their learning environment.
How are parents/carers informed about how their child is doing?
- Parents' evenings are held twice a year providing an opportunity for parents/carers to discuss their child’s progress and achievement. Parents also have an opportunity to attend Curriculum evening at the beginning of the year where teachers inform parents of the subjects and concepts covered in the curriculum for the year ahead.
- Parents/carers are encouraged to approach the class teacher should they wish to discuss/ask anything and the class teacher would be available to meet at an agreed future date. The SENCO is also available to meet with parents informally or formally in the Support Plan meetings (held twice yearly). A teacher report is written which is also shared with parents after the Support Plan meeting.
- Home/school books are a means of communicating with parents/carers of pupils with more complex needs if requested and deemed useful.
- For all pupils that receive High Needs Funding or who have an EHCP, an annual review is undertaken and the EHCPs are reviewed. The pupil, parents/carers, school staff and external agencies (where appropriate) attend this meeting to discuss the needs of the pupil and targets set.
What arrangements does the school make to support pupils transferring to/from another school?
Pupils transferring to another school:
- – In consultation with the parents/carers, the SENDCo will set up transition meetings or visits to the new school (pupils with SEND)
- – Transition booklets are made for identified pupils to take home at the end of the summer term to support transition
- – All year 6 pupils, moving on to Secondary School, are offered a transition day by their new school. The SENDCo will agree additional transition days prior to this if appropriate, to familiarize pupils with SEND before they meet all their new peers and teachers
- – The SENDCo will pass on pupil records to the appropriate member of staff at the new school
Pupils transferring from another school:
- – Initial meeting with SENDCo and a look around the school (parents/carers and pupil)
- – SENDCo will obtain pupil records from old setting to familiarize herself with the needs of the pupil
- – If appropriate, transition visits to Colegrave
How does the school know if the extra support is helping pupils to make progress?
Staff monitor progress through a variety of tools: observations by the class teacher and the Teaching Assistants, termly assessments, monitoring of Track-it points, learning walks by SLT and feedback from staff, pupils and parents.
Teachers also meet and discuss a pupil's termly academic progress in Pupil Progress Meetings. Alongside the monitoring of academic progress, the pastoral staff convene weekly to monitor the social and emotional well-being of pupils across the year groups. Teachers are also timetabled to attend all Support Plan meetings for SEND pupils where strategies and targets are reviewed with parents. Teachers have the opportunity to discuss progress and adaptions to the curriculum with a number of specialised staff if available. For example the Speech and Language specialist, Behaviour lead and the ASD and PMLD specialist teachers. This wrap around approach enables staff to monitor progress and review progress of the pupil holistically.
What expertise and training do the staff who support SEND pupils have?
Category | Type of Training |
Medical |
Epilepsy Asthma and Allergy Administering Medication |
Physical Needs | Hoist training Load Assessor training |
Health and Safety | TeamTeach Promoting Positive Behaviour Load Assessors training |
Speech and Language Communication | Box Clever Colourful Semantics SaLT training (eg. Widgit) Foundation course in Communication |
Teaching and Learning | Autism – ASD awareness Dyslexia Awareness and Strategies for the Classroom Multi-sensory approach to Maths and English Effective Literacy Intervention Drop in for strategies for pupils with Moderate Learning Difficulties |
Social and Emotional Mental Health | THRIVE Lead on Behaviour and Well-being facilitating and organising workshops/activities for pupils. |
Safeguarding | Designated staff Safeguarding training Advance E-Safety for designated staff Stonewall – Diverse families Safeguarding/Child Protection training for all staff eSafety training for staff |
Family Support | NVQ Level 4 Working with Parents Domestic Violence Awareness Childhood Bereavement |
Assessment | MAPP |
Other | SENDCo Course |
What specialist support or services does the school access for pupils with SEND?
The following services continue to support staff and pupils at Colegrave:
School Nurse, Nurse specialized in Epilepsy, Nurse specialized in Diabetes, Newham Smiles, Complex Needs and Dyslexia Team, Sensory Service, Educational Psychologist Service, Speech and Language Service, Community Nutrition Service, Community Heath Newham, Play Therapy Service, Music Interaction therapy, Visually Impaired Service, Physiotherapy Service, Wheelchair Services, Occupational Therapy Service; Language, Communication and Interaction Service; Behaviour Support Service, Reintegration into Education Team, School Counsellor, Child and Family Consultation Service, Child Development Centre, Developmental Advisory Service, Alcoholics Anonymous, Dazzle – Drugs and Alcohol Services, Aanchal- Asian Womens’ Service, Newham One Stop Shop – Domestic Violence, Families First, Family Action, Attendance Management Officer, Newham Triage, Social Care, Newham Children Looked After Support Project, Young Carers, Shelter, Local GPs and Childrens’ Centres and Metropolitan Police.
How are classrooms and other areas of the school adapted to meet pupil's individual needs?
- Colegrave is wheelchair accessible
- The whole site is on ground level
- Wheelchair accessible playground activities
- Two disabled toilets (one with shower facilities)
- A medical room
- A sensory room
- A specialised teaching area for pupils with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties
- A teaching area for pupils with Autism Spectrum Conditions
What arrangements are made to support pupils with SEND taking part in after school activities outside the classroom?
- All off-site visits are risk assessed and reasonable adjustments are made to include all children, regardless of need. Year group Leads organise Risk assessment meetings to discuss SEND pupils needs prior to each visit.
- Individual risk assessments are produced as necessary for pupils that require adaptations.
- Support offered to ensure accessibility to attend one after school activity a week.
- Pupils with significant or chronic medical conditions (e.g. anaphylaxis, Diabetes Type 1, Epilepsy) have individualised Care Plans (drawn up in liaison with school staff, parents/carers and a school nurse).
How does the school support pupil's overall well-being?
Thrive is a programme that supports emotional developmental needs, builds resilience, decreases the risk of mental health and prepares and equips pupils to be ready and willing to learn.
After the termly class Thrive assessments, class teachers will have strategies and activities derived from Thrive assessment that they will implement in class. Complimenting this approach will be a Learning Mentor, who will be timetabled to work with pupils who need to develop their social skills, build their self-esteem and develop their emotional resilience. This could be in a variety of settings; Thrive group sessions, in class support and Nurture groups.
How does the school prepare their pupils for their next stage of education and for adult life?
At each stage, including the transfer to secondary school, teachers liaise with relevant staff to ensure a smooth transition for each pupil.
The following is put in place: handover meetings from previous school or to new school, transition plans and booklets and most importantly, discussions with parents, pupils and the school. If appropriate and agreed by all, a phased transition will be considered if it best meets the needs of the pupil.
Who can parents/carers contact to talk about their child's special education needs?
The SENDCo/Inclusion Manager, Rasheeda Lisak-Khan, can be contacted by phone or email.
Who should parents/carers contact if they have a complaint about the SEND provision in the school?
The Head Teacher, Ms Shaz-Vennus can be contacted via the school office.
What provision has been made for disabled pupils?
Colegrave Primary school is an inclusive school within the London Borough of Newham and follows the inclusive policy of all Newham schools. The Resource Provision Base for children with Profound and Multiple Learning Difficulties (PMLD) is part of Newham’s local offer.
We believe that all teachers are teachers of children with SEND and focus on staff training that will provide a range of strategies to creatively adapt curriculum objectives so that all learners experience a broad balanced curriculum and make progress in their learning. Therefore, we are fully committed to working together to meet the statutory requirements of making ‘reasonable adjustments’ to ensure disabled students are not discriminated against. We aim to reduce and minimise barriers so that all children can access a curriculum that meets their teaching, learning and physical needs. Our inclusive ethos aims for meaningful participation and valuing the rights of each individual within our school community. Our school has good accessibility features: eg ramps so that students can enter every classroom, specialist equipment for physical mobility including transfer procedures, adapted classrooms; the use of Augmentative and Alternative Communication aids; special hygiene rooms; a medical officer, and specialist support staff who are trained to meet each child’s individual needs. Additionally, we work closely with a team of multi agencies including specialist Speech and Language Therapists, Dietitions, the school nurse, Hearing and visual impairment services, an Educational Psychologist, Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists to support our staff to deliver a programme to meet each child’s education and health needs.
What provision has been made for looked after pupils?
At Colegrave we take our duty and accountability to the Local Authority under the Children Act 1989 ‘to safeguard and promote the welfare and educational achievement’ of each looked-after child very seriously.
A Looked-after child is a child who is looked after by a local authority as defined in section 22 of the Children Act 1989 and means a child who is subject to a care order (or an interim care order) or who is accommodated by the local authority.
We have an experienced safeguarding team on site who foster working partnerships with parents, carers, social services, Newham’s Virtual School Head, school admission officers and the special educational needs department to ensure that the educational provision for each looked-after child is monitored and evaluated by Social Services in collaboration with the education team (internal and external) regularly.
All looked-after children have a Personal Education Plan (PEP) which is part of the child’s care plan and specifies the child’s educational targets and progress. The school and Children’s Services prioritises closing the attainment and progress gap between looked-after children and their peers by creating a culture of high aspirations for the children’s future outcomes. The school endorses a caring, Rights Respecting ethos that is embedded in its community.
As with all our vulnerable children, we make sure that all transitions are handled confidentially and that there is an informed discussion about future placements that will best meet each child’s needs. Personal budgets are carefully managed to secure resources that will enhance a child’s quality of education and well-being.