Colegrave Primary

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Our designated safeguarding lead is Nelson Ganeshwaran 

Our deputy designated safeguarding lead is Faye Linay.


Welcome to the Safeguarding and Child Protection page at Colegrave Primary School. This page has been created to provide essential information to parents and carers regarding matters related to Safeguarding and Child Protection. Alongside Colegrave Primary School's own policies and procedures, we will share information from trusted sources to offer guidance, facts, and resources to support parents and carers in safeguarding their children.

Our Policy

Our Early Help, Safeguarding, and Child Protection Policy, last updated in September 2023, aligns with the Department for Education's statutory guidance "Keeping Children Safe in Education" (September 2023). You can access our policy here or visit our policies page.

Resources and Support

We recommend utilising the resources provided by the NSPCC, an organisation committed to helping adults keep children safe from abuse and other dangers, both online and in the physical world. Explore the following resources to enhance your understanding of child protection:

P.A.N.T.STeach your child the Underwear Rule to help protect them from abuse. It's a simple way for parents to keep children safe from sexual abuse.

Share Aware Get guidance on helping your child stay safe on social networks, apps, and games.

 Online Safety  Access helpful advice and tools to keep your child safe whenever and wherever they go online.

 Staying Safe Away from Home  Learn about when your child may be old enough to be out on their own and how to teach them to stay safe while they're away.

Reporting a Concern of Abuse or Neglect

If you have concerns about a child who may be at risk of serious harm due to abuse or neglect, it's crucial to report your concerns to the appropriate agency. Please visit Newham's Children's Triage Team by clicking here. This team will use the information you provide to determine the best way to respond to your concerns. You can complete an online form or contact the team directly.

You can also report your concerns to the NSPCC, which offers support and advice if you are worried about a child's safety. Click here to access their reporting tool. 

Your vigilance and commitment to safeguarding are essential in ensuring the safety and well-being of all children. If you have any questions or require further information, please do not hesitate to reach out to us.