Colegrave Primary

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School Council

Our School Council Leader is Ceydan Akyuz.

At Colegrave we have a School Council that is made up of children from Years 2 to 6. They have the important role of delivering pupil voice, bridging the gap between pupils and teachers. We meet regularly and discuss a range of different areas, from introducing new policies to organising a charity event. School Council is a vital way of hearing the opinion of the children and using that to impact key decisions in the running of the school.

The purpose of School Council is:

  • To make the school a safer place
  • To promote rights and responsibilities
  • To encourage pupil voice


Meetings will take place every Thursday between 3:15 and 4:15 in the 2E classroom. Every council member will attend each meeting.

During meetings, a democratic system will be in place to make final decisions. Mr Elliot will be able to support children as the link teacher.