Teacher Training
Colegrave is the lead school for SCITTELS (School Centred Initial Teacher Training in East London Schools). We are a consortium of schools within East London who work in close partnership to provide outstanding initial teaching training, leading to the award of Qualified Teacher Status (QTS).
Click here to read our OFSTED inspection report.
The consortium has a strong commitment to Equal Opportunities and takes its responsibility to promote this with the utmost importance. Inclusion is a key feature and strength of our programmes and we are committed to training
teachers who will value and build on the linguistic, religious and cultural diversity that children in east London communities bring to school and who in turn, will prepare all children for life in a diverse society.
We offer a range of one year full time Primary Initial Teacher Training (ITT) Programmes, including:
- Tuition-fee QTS only
- Tuition-fee QTS with PGCE
- Post Graduate Teaching Apprenticeship (salaried)
All of our programmes give trainee teachers the opportunity to learn from and alongside experienced classroom practitioners. The trainees also receive centre based training at Colegrave Primary School, which is delivered by specialists and experts in their field, e.g. Local Authority advisors.
The majority of our trainees secure employment as Early Career Teachers (ECTs) in one of our partnership schools or in a local school at the end of their training.
For more information, visit the SCITTELS website: www.scittels.co.uk