Well Being
Well-being is at the forefront of everything we do at Colegrave. We recognise that in order for children to learn, we need to first ensure they are healthy and happy. It is important that we empower our children, families and staff to talk about their feelings and ensure they know who to go to in school or the local community, should they need support.
Here are some of the things we currently do, to support well-being:
Pastoral Team
As well as our class teachers and Senior Leadership Team, we have a large Pastoral Support Team and several specialist teachers. These members of staff are integral in supporting the well-being of our children and families.
- Mr Ganeshwaran – Safeguarding & Behaviour Lead
- Ms Lisak Khan – SENCO
- Ms Linay - Family Support Worker
- Ms Salway – Speech and Language
- Ms Asad – Attendance Officer
- Ms Wingrove– Welfare Lead
Specialist Teachers
- Ms Hoch Zielonka – Lead Teacher in Rainbow room (PMLD base)
Staff Training
Children’s well-being is always considered in our staff training. However, more recently, we have developed a more detailed knowledge of the importance of children’s mental health.
Key members of staff have been trained on various aspects of children’s mental health, including how to support and put early interventions in place for children with mental health concerns and how to engage and work with our families. These sessions are led by qualified psychologists and psychotherapists and are supported by Newham and CAMHS. (Child and Adolescent Mental Health Services) This knowledge is then shared in a staff training session, so we are all aware and able to act appropriately. We will continue to be proactive in keeping up to date with all training surrounding mental health and well- being.
The Thrive Approach
Thrive assessments are carried out on all children termly and focus on their social and emotional development, rather than academic. Personalised support plans, which are often lead by our learning mentors, are then put into place for individuals/ groups of children, as appropriate.
Playground Friends
The role of a playground friend is to ensure that all children are happy and feel safe in the playground. Play leaders set up a variety of activities, including crafts and reading, for children who may not want to take part in the more physical activities. Playground friends are also there to support children who feel lonely during playtime or who are having difficulties interacting with others outside of the classroom.
Social Group
A small targeted group run twice a week by our family support worker which focusses on speaking & listening, social skills, teamwork and playground behaviour.
Anti-Bullying, including Cyber Bullying
Termly assemblies and activities are set by Mr Ganeshwaran, to ensure all children are aware of what bullying is and what to do in order to STOP it. This also includes cyber bullying, which is led by Mr Nott.
Talk Boxes
There is a talk box is every classroom, as not all children are comfortable in sharing information publically. Children are encouraged to write their name and put in in the box, should they have any worries of concerns they want to talk to an adult about.
Behaviour Reflection
We have a timetabled 30 minute session planned every Friday which focusses on behaviour. It is an opportunity for the class to reflect on their behaviour and to learn new positive behaviours.
Headstart Newham
Who is HeadStart for?
Life throws a lot at young people and sometimes everyone struggles to overcome problems and challenges. And that’s okay. Headstart is for 10-16 year olds living in Newham who would benefit from additional support to improve their mental health.
Colegrave work in partership wih Headstart to support the mental health of children in Year 5/6. Headstart youth workers come into school weekly and work with target groups to improve mental health. We also offer an online counselling program, Kooth, which children are able to access when not in school.
Parents and Carers
We hold weekly coffee mornings, which all our parents are encouraged to attend. This is a forum for us to share more information about specific areas of our school, policies, curriculum and future plans. Parents are also invited to ask any questions and share ideas with us.
We also have a PTA, who work alongside the school to plan events and fund raise.
Family Support Worker
Ms Linay is our full time Family Support Worker and she is here to support all of our families, no matter how big or small the issue. If you have any concerns or worries about you, your family or your circumstance, please do make an appointment to meet with her. This can be done at the front office, or you can see her in the playground every day, before and after school.
Staff well-being is very important to us and leaders work hard to ensure that all staff feel supported and appreciated. We regularly review policies and procedures to ensure workload is manageable and we will continue to do this.
What next?
Colegrave will be working towards the Well-being Award For Schools. This process will enable us to review all the things we already have in place, regarding well- being and identify key areas to improve. We will be asking for parent/carer input further down the line. In the meantime, please do see our school website for more information about all of the above.
Please see below for some useful websites with further information and support regarding mental health and wellbeing for all ages: